Wednesday, December 25, 2019


St. Gerald of Sauve-Majeure
Gerald of Sauve-Majeure,
Also known as Geraud, Gerard
Feast day: April 5
Born in Corbie, Picardy; died 1095;
Death: 1095
Canonized: Canonized in 1197 by Pope Celestine III
 Saint Gerald was educated and became a monk and cellarer of the famous abbey of Corbie. He suffered from acute headaches until he was healed by Saint Adalhard on his return from a pilgrimage with his abbot to Monte Cassino and Rome, where he was ordained to the priesthood by Pope Leo IX. After some time in Corbie, he made a pilgrimage to Palestine.

Next, he was chosen abbot of Saint Vincent's at Laon, where the monks were unwilling to submit to proper discipline. Gerald resigned to become abbot of Saint Medard's at Soissons; but, being expelled by an usurper.

Then with three companions he founded and directed the Benedictine Abbey of Grande-Sauve (Gironde) near Bordeaux, which became the center of a powerful congregation. He instituted the practice of celebrating Mass and Office for the Dead for 30 days after the death of a community member. Gerald was also the author of a hagiology and up to his death he recommended that his monks flee all discussion 

1 comment:

  1. Question: What is St. Gerald the patron of? I can't find any information on that anywhere. Or is there such a thing as an official saint who isn't officially the patron of anything?
