Sunday, December 22, 2019


St. Theodosia
Theodosia of Tyre
Feast day: April 2
Born in Tyre;
Died in Caesarea, Palestine, in 308.
Virgin and martyr.

 At age 18, the consecrated virgin, Saint Theodosia, travelled to Caesarea in Palestine, where she saw some Christian martyrs on their way to execution on Easter Sunday. She congratulated them on their happiness, asked them to pray for her, and exhorted them to patience and perseverance.

Overheard by the officials, she was seized, tortured on the rack, flayed, hanged by the hair, and pierced with nails. She endured all this cheerfully. Nothing could shake her inmost calm. To the judge she sweetly said: "By your torture you procure for me that great happiness which it was my grief to see deferred. I rejoice to see myself called to this crown, and return hearty thanks to God for vouchsafing me such a favor." Enraged that she could not disturb her, the governor finally ordered her to be cast into the sea. The other confessors he condemned to work the mines in Palestine.

Saint Theodosia is honored in both the East and the West, but she is particularly venerated in Venice, Italy. The historian Eusebius, an eyewitness, records her martyrdom in his History of the Martyrs of Palestine

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