Feastday: January 15
Died: 450
At Constantinople, St. John Calybita. For some time living unknown to his parents in a corner of their house, and later in a hut on an island in the Tiber, he was recognized by them only at his death. Being renowned for miracles, his body was afterwards taken to Rome and buried on the Is
land in the Tiber, where a church was subsequently erected in his honour.
(also known as John Calabytes)
Born in Constantinople; died c. 450. At 12, Saint John became a monk at Gomon on the Bosphorus, and after some years returned home changed in appearance. Disguised in the rags of a beggar, Saint John lived in a small hut (Calybe in Greek) close to the door of his parents without them recognizing him until the moment of his death. Do we recognize the homeless around us? Do we really look at them or do we cover our eyes in shame that we have so much and they so little? Do we see in each face the face of our Lord and brother, Jesus? If we do not, we have reason to fear the Judgment (Benedictines, Encyclopedia). In art Saint John is a beggar with the Gospel in his hand. At times he may be shown revealing himself to his parents on his deathbed.
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