Thursday, December 5, 2019


Guntramnus, King
Also known as Contran, Gontran, Gontram, Gunthrammus
Died March 28, 592.
Saint Guntramnus, son of King Clotaire and Saint Clothildis, was crowned king of Orleans and Burgundy in 561, while his brothers Charibert reigned in Paris and Sigebert at Metz. In general, his life was that of a peacemaker. He protected his nephews against the wickedness of the dowager queens, Sigebert's Brunehault and Chilperic's Fredegonde.

But he had a period of intemperance. He divorced his wife, Mercatrude, and hastily ordered the execution of his physician. He was overcome with remorse and lamented these sins for the rest of his life, both for himself and for his nation. In atonement, he fasted, prayed, wept, and offered himself to the God he had offended.

Throughout the balance of his prosperous reign he gave examples of how the maxims of the Gospel could be rendered into effective policy. He was the protector of the oppressed, care-giver to the sick, and the tender parent to his subjects. He was open-handed with his wealth, especially in times of plague and famine. He strictly and justly enforced the law without respect to person, yet was ever ready to forgive offenses against himself, including two attempted assassins.

Guntramnus munificently built and endowed many churches and monasteries. Saint Gregory of Tours relates many miracles performed by the king, both before and after his death, some of which he witnessed himself. At the time of his death, Guntramnus had reigned for 31 years. Almost immediately he was proclaimed a saint by his subjects. He was buried in the church of Saint Marcellus, which he had founded. The Huguenots, who scattered his ashes in the 16th century, left only his skull untouched in their fury. It is now kept there in a silver case

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