Tuesday, December 10, 2019


St. Regulus
Regulus of Senlis
Also known as Rieul
Feast day: March 30
Born in Greece;
Died in Senlis, France,  260.

The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium, Gaul, he is also called Rieul and Rule. According to custom, he was of Greek descent and one of the companions of St. Denis.

 As with many early saints, it's difficult to sort out the various strains of the story. An old tradition connects him to Arles, France, perhaps as its bishop, from where he evangelized the area around Senlis about the same time as Saint Denis was taking the Gospel to Paris. Regulus is honored as the first bishop of Senlis, who died in peace among his flock. Legendarily he is said to have lived in the first century, 

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