Sunday, December 8, 2019


St. Secundus
Secundus of Asti
Feast day: March 29
Patron: of Asti; Ventimiglia
Death: 119

Martyred Roman patrician (noble man) who was also serving in the Roman imperial army. Condemned for being a Christian, he was put to death at Asti under Emperor Hadrian.

Feast day celebrated some places on March 30. Saint Secundus was a patrician of Asti, Piedmont, Italy, and a subaltern officer in the imperial army. He was beheaded at Asti under Hadrian, but is remembered as one of the martyrs of the Thebn Legion (Benedictines, Tabor). In art, he is portrayed as a young warrior with a horse and is sometimes shown with SS. Maurice and Exuperius

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