Wednesday, December 11, 2019


St. Zosimus
Zozimus of Syracuse
Feast day: March 30
Death: 660
Zosimus   Bishop. Born on Sicily, at the age of seven he was placed in the monastery of Santa Lucia, near Syracuse.

 At the tender age of seven, Saint Zosimus was offered to the monastery of Santa Lucia, near Syracuse, Sicily, by his wealthy parents. As a child, he was deputed to watch over the relics of the virgin martyr anathema to a boisterous country boy. He ran away from the monastery, back to his home. In disgrace, he was returned to Santa Lucia's, where he experienced a vision of the saint who seemed angry with him. She was appeased by Our Lady and accepted the boy's promise to diligently undertake his responsibility.

After that, he settled down and was a good and simple monk for thirty years, then quickly succeeded to the positions of abbot and bishop of Syracuse. The scene of his selection of abbot is reminiscent of the selection of the Old Testament King David: The uncertain monks sought the help of their bishop. After scrutinizing all the monks gathered, he asked if there was no other monk belonging to their number. Then they remembered Zosimus, whom they had left to guard the shrine and answer the door. The bishop sent for the missing monk. Immediately upon seeing him the bishop exclaimed: "Behold him whom the Lord has chosen." He appointed him abbot and ordained him priest.

His reputation as a wise and charitable abbot led him to be elected bishop by the people at the death of Peter in 649. He did not want the position and the clergy had elected another, Vanerius, a vain and ambitious man. Pope Theodore settled the question by appointing and consecrating Zosimus. He faithfully discharged all the duties of a worthy pastor and showed great liberality to the poor until his death at the age of 90. These details are drawn from a reputedly contemporary vita

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